Category: exercises

How Can I Get Abs? Answer: In the Kitchen!

I’m sure you’ve heard before that ‘abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym’ which to some extent is true. It’s said that our body composition is made up from 30% exercise and 70% diet.

Finally, Decent Arm Workouts for Women

Most routines that involve weights are written for men, by men. Granted, there are an increasing number of female fitness professionals putting out more content, but it is a slow-moving beast.

The Nocebo Effect | Common Causes of Thinking Your Way Failure

So we’ve all heard of the placebo effect right? The idea that you can actually heal yourself, or treat illnesses through the power of thought. Doctors will often use placebo medications to harness the power of the mind and help patients recover from ailments naturally.

How You Can Workout and Get Slimmer Legs?

The legs are the most troublesome area for most women and some men when it comes to weight loss. The legs are also generally difficult to slim, as they’re typically one of the last places you deplete the fat stores, through diet and exercise.

Keeping Yourself Motivated To Exercise

It’s possible to have the best intentions when creating your fitness plan, however sticking to it can be an entirely different story. With an excuse around every corner, its time to get your mojo back, start feeling motivated, and enjoy the gym!

How Exercise Can Beat the Winter Blues

Now it’s not hard to believe that 90% of people are happier in the summer than the winter. The weather is cold and often rainy in the North West, daylight hours are numbered and the stress of Christmas begins to ramp up.

Best Ways To Stay Fit Over Winter?

Unfortunately, ‘Summer bodies’ don’t just magically appear come the summer solace, we actually have to work at them all year round. So ask yourself today, “just how can I stay fit over winter”.