Author: hamers360fitness

How Can I Get Abs? Answer: In the Kitchen!

I’m sure you’ve heard before that ‘abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym’ which to some extent is true. It’s said that our body composition is made up from 30% exercise and 70% diet.

The Best Gyms in and Around Rossendale

Have you ever actually tried to choose a gym around Rossendale. Luckily where we live, you don’t have too far to travel as you can easily reach Haslingden, Rawtenstall, Waterfoot, etc.

Pros and Cons Of Going Vegetarian

We don’t know about you, but we seem to be noticing loads of people going vegetarian recently. The word on the fitness circuit is it’s healthier than eating meat and helps you lose weight.

3 Awesome Alternatives to The Same Old Squats

Next up in our series of workouts for women, is the guide to squat alternatives. We seem to get caught up in the same routines when we’re working out, and if you think about it, it’s actually no good for us to perform the same movements week in week out.

Finally, Decent Arm Workouts for Women

Most routines that involve weights are written for men, by men. Granted, there are an increasing number of female fitness professionals putting out more content, but it is a slow-moving beast.

What Is a Calorie Anyway?

Many food labels will state the number of calories but REMEMBER that the manufacturer’s idea of “one portion” may not be the same as yours that you serve yourself. The energy that we put into our bodies to sustain a stable weight, must be the same as the energy that we use by normal bodily functions and physical activity, we store the excess as body fat.