Tag: nutrition

The Time Is Now – Progressing Towards your Goals

I want you to think of something you’ve always wanted to be, have or do – ‘one day.’ Maybe you can think of more than one thing and that’s even better, but try and think of at least one. Now I want you to think about what you’re doing to work towards having, being or doing it at this time in your life?! What are you doing regularly and consistently to progress towards that goal or desire? And when do you actually plan to achieve being, having or doing it? The problem so many of us make with goals is that we have a vague idea of where we want to be at some point in the future but don’t connect the dots backwards from there to where we are now. As a result, we have no roadmap or timescale for the journey to our goals and so days, months and even years pass by with very little progress.

Sleep – Information and Top Tips

When we think of health and wellbeing our minds often turn to our diet and exercise habits but very rarely do we consider sleep and rest in as much detail. In a society where doing plenty of exercise and eating healthy foods is admired, it sometimes feels like running on little sleep makes someone reverd as almost superhuman. Phrases such as ‘burning the candle at both ends’, ‘ no rest for the wicked’ and generally discussing how busy we are are such common parts of our vocabulary we rarely give them a second thought. If you’re keen on making changes to your health and fitness, especially if you’ve tried and failed in the past – this blog aims to discuss why such changes may even start with your sleep habits. Sleep has very many health benefits, both physical and psychological and it’s about time we prioritised it as a basic health habit and not a luxury or afterthought.

Habits vs Willpower

Whenever we try to change something that we do in our everyday life – whether that’s starting something new, stopping something we no longer want to do or simply switching the way we do something, we often refer to and rely on ‘WILLPOWER’. As willpower requires effort and energy, however, as soon as we start to feel tired, stressed, busy and so on (which we inevitably do at some point) we automatically revert back to our old, ingrained patterns because they are easier and more comfortable.

Goal Setting Success

The start of a New Year is a time when many of us naturally reflect on the past 12 months and begin to consider how we can make the year ahead just as good, or (in the case of 2020 for most of us), a heck of a lot better! New Year’s ‘resolutions’ often get a bad reputation, associated with expectations of waking up on January 1st a whole new person, with all obstacles from the past year wiped out. Of course, this doesn’t happen and so our initial optimism can quickly diminish and see us falling back into old patterns and habits within weeks or even days.

Is it Time to Ditch the Scales?

What does a body weight scale really tell us about what is happening in the body? Well firstly, I think what we are all looking for when we look at the scale is a reduction in weight. But is this even body fat?

How Can I Get Abs? Answer: In the Kitchen!

I’m sure you’ve heard before that ‘abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym’ which to some extent is true. It’s said that our body composition is made up from 30% exercise and 70% diet.

Pros and Cons Of Going Vegetarian

We don’t know about you, but we seem to be noticing loads of people going vegetarian recently. The word on the fitness circuit is it’s healthier than eating meat and helps you lose weight.