Tag: Goals

Cup half empty?! What is self-care and why is it important?

‘Self-care’ has become something of a buzz word recently (or is it 2 words?!), particularly with the events of the last year forcing many of us to think more deeply about our physical and mental health. Whilst some may think it sounds self-indulgent and unnecessary, this blog aims to outline what it is and why everyone needs it in some form or another – especially at the moment!

Your happiest, healthiest working day

What does your average working day look like? Whilst this will be different for each of us, chances are it’s changed in the last year and may soon be due to change again. Whether where you work has changed, how you do things at work or simply your routine before and after work, it’s thrown many of us from our usual habits and schedules which can feel like low level chaos at times! This is certainly something I’ve struggled with whilst working from home and this blog aims to highlight some things I’ve found useful or know that others have done to help make their working day as healthy as possible. This can also apply if you’re still going out to work or when you go back, although some are more socially acceptable to do in a work setting than others (dance party anyone? I reckon my colleagues would be up for it to be fair!) Taking regular breaks can help to keep our physical and mental energy topped up so that we’re more focused and productive. Below are some ideas for mini-breaks to slot into your days to support the happiest, healthiest you possible even when you’re working hard!

Benefits of Resistance Training -Is it for me?

Gone are the days when the weights area in the gym was reserved for experienced weight-lifters or people looking to ‘bulk up’ and gain masses of muscle and size. The past few years have seen a huge growth in interest in resistance and strength training for a wide variety of people. It really is true that whatever your ‘why’ for training, there will be benefits to be had in incorporating some resistance work. Read on to find out some common effects of resistance training (most of which are good!) 🙂

Heading back to the gym? Post lockdown fitness pending…

If you were a regular gym-goer or group exercise enthusiast before the events of the past year, chances are your training and physical activity levels have changed somewhat whilst facilities have been shut. Perhaps the shift to working from home has seen your daily activity levels drop or maybe it’s a long time since you had any kind of regular exercise routine but the last year has made you think more about the benefits of exercise for physical and mental health and you’re interested in getting started with something a bit more structured once gyms reopen. It may even be that the realisation that we may well be allowed out and about this summer after all has prompted you to make sure you feel and look your best. Whatever your situation, many of us are starting to think about the prospect of upping our training soon and having access to a greater variety of equipment and opportunities to exercise. Before you launch yourself into the gym or classes again, make sure you take note of my top tips below which will help you manage the transition with ease.

Habits vs Willpower

Whenever we try to change something that we do in our everyday life – whether that’s starting something new, stopping something we no longer want to do or simply switching the way we do something, we often refer to and rely on ‘WILLPOWER’. As willpower requires effort and energy, however, as soon as we start to feel tired, stressed, busy and so on (which we inevitably do at some point) we automatically revert back to our old, ingrained patterns because they are easier and more comfortable.

Goal Setting Success

The start of a New Year is a time when many of us naturally reflect on the past 12 months and begin to consider how we can make the year ahead just as good, or (in the case of 2020 for most of us), a heck of a lot better! New Year’s ‘resolutions’ often get a bad reputation, associated with expectations of waking up on January 1st a whole new person, with all obstacles from the past year wiped out. Of course, this doesn’t happen and so our initial optimism can quickly diminish and see us falling back into old patterns and habits within weeks or even days.

Motivation – Top Tips

Whether it’s cleaning the house, doing a workout or prepping your food for the week – do you ever find yourself looking at the to-do list that you wrote with the best of intentions but now it comes to it you just can’t seem to get going?

Progress Not Perfection

If you’ve ever worked closely with a Personal Trainer, teacher or coach of any kind you may well have heard the saying ‘Progress not Perfection’ as a way of encouraging you to stay consistent in the pursuit of your goals. Despite understanding the clear difference between these two words, however, many of us expect perfection […]

3 Newbie Mistakes You’ll Make at the Gym

Starting a new fitness regimen can be daunting, and often there’s so much to think about, you can end up feeling a little overwhelmed with it all. The more you research, the more confused you become. This is usually caused by conflicting information from websites, social media, friends, family, and seemingly, every Tom, Dick and Harry.

How You Can Workout and Get Slimmer Legs?

The legs are the most troublesome area for most women and some men when it comes to weight loss. The legs are also generally difficult to slim, as they’re typically one of the last places you deplete the fat stores, through diet and exercise.