Category: nutrition

How Can I Get Abs? Answer: In the Kitchen!

I’m sure you’ve heard before that ‘abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym’ which to some extent is true. It’s said that our body composition is made up from 30% exercise and 70% diet.

Pros and Cons Of Going Vegetarian

We don’t know about you, but we seem to be noticing loads of people going vegetarian recently. The word on the fitness circuit is it’s healthier than eating meat and helps you lose weight.

What Is a Calorie Anyway?

Many food labels will state the number of calories but REMEMBER that the manufacturer’s idea of “one portion” may not be the same as yours that you serve yourself. The energy that we put into our bodies to sustain a stable weight, must be the same as the energy that we use by normal bodily functions and physical activity, we store the excess as body fat.

Do 30-Day Beach Body Challenges Actually Work?

One thing that seems to be very popular at the moment, is the 30-day beach body challenge. You generally see them start making an appearance and trending on social media as the days start to get longer, and most of us get our summer holidays booked in.

Worst 3 Sweets You Can Eat When Trying to Lose Weight

With Halloween hitting us in the last week, we thought it would be rather fitting to investigate what horrors we may be eating when we dig into our trick or treat bags. We’re only kidding, who needs to go trick or treating when you can raid the kids bags when they come home.

How To Stay In Shape Over Christmas

Christmas isssss coming!!! You may still feel-beach fresh, but whether you like it or not the jolly season is headed our way, and the fat guy is preparing our prezzies.

5 Ways You Can Battle Bad Food Cravings

We know it sucks! We know the feeling! You decide to make a change, a real push in the right direction. You train hard, you sweat harder, then you feel it. That niggle turns into a jab, that jab turns into a pang, you turn into the confectionary aisle, and you’re staring them down.